On this page, you will find information on a variety of topics related to safety which includes medication disposal, household hazardous materials, along with others.
Household Hazardous Materials - For information on how to dispose of household hazardous waste such as old paints, batteries, chemicals, etc. CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE
Medication Disposal - For information on how to safely dispose of medications CLICK HERE
Sharps Disposal - For information on how to safely dispose of sharps CLICK HERE
Fire Extinguisher life expectancy and disposal - Fire extinguishers need to be serviced annually and should be disposed of after 10 years. For information on how to dispose of old fire extinguishers CLICK HERE
Smoke Detector/Carbon Monoxide life expectancy and disposal - Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors have a life expectancy of 10 years. Expired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors can be disposed of by removing the battery (click HERE for battery disposal info) and then discard them in your regular trash.